ZHLT is Zoner's Halflife Tools. They are a modified version of the map compiling tools for Halflife. Enhancements included much improved lighting quality, faster vis times, better error messages, and a network vis program for those in need of a compile farm to compile maps. There are many other enhancements, listed in ZonersHalflifeTools.html
The tools are 4 command-line (no GUI!) programs convert a map file into a bsp file. A basic understanding of what a 'Command Prompt' is and how to use it is assumed. However there are some front ends (including Worldcraft itself) which can help hide it and make them slightly easier to use. The Four tools are:
Since there are four tools, and they can each get errors, there is a system in place to cause the later tools from running if the previous ones have a problem. The tools always log what they display in the 'Command Prompt' to a file which matches the mapname. For example, in compiling BoogaWooga12.map, a file called BoogaWooga12.log would be created. If there is any kind of problem compiling, this log file should be checked for the cause of the error. For most errors a description of the problem, the various ways it is likely to be caused, and the ways to fix it will be listed. Some of the more serious problems and problems with long or detailed descriptions are also documented in ZHLTProblems.html
Being complex programs, some of the tools have a lot of options to play with. The file ZHLTReference.html has a detailed listing of what they all. For the most part all the interesting options are in HLRAD, some of which include changing the global gamma settings for the lighting, ambient light levels, and quality levels.
There are also couple of perl scripts too in the ZHLT directory. These scripts are pretty much self-describing utility scripts which have been created over time to do minor tasks (number brushes and entities in .map files, switch tfc .map's from abbreviated to long names). Unless you have a knowledge of running Perl scripts you shouldn't worry about them too much, as they are provided mostly for people comfortable with the Command Prompt.
Setup of ZHLT is nearly identical to how Valve's original versions should be configured. The ZHLT program names were changed slightly so they could co-exist easily. Basically in any setup all that needs to be done is follow the normal setup instructions, except replacing qcsg.exe with hlcsg.exe, qbsp2.exe with hlbsp.exe, vis.exe with hlvis.exe, and qrad.exe with hlrad.exe. Most editors should have a walk-through for setting up compile tools. Only the name changes for the programs should be necessary to get everything working initially.
The following is an example of a batch file to a final compile for maps.
@echo off